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Debbie is available for speaking

  • Mom's Groups
  • Women's Groups
  • Bible Study groups
  • Retreats and Conferences 


Speaking Events-Past

Balboa Baptist Church, Hot Springs, Arkansas

Event:  Women's Ministry Saturday

Theme:  Quilted With Love

Presenting:  The Patterns God Use to Quilt Us

Georgia District, Church of the Nazarene

         Event:  Women's Retreat

         Presenting:   Developing a Heart for God





Georgia Nazarene Women's Retreat

What a delight! to speak to the 200 plus women for the Georgia District Nazarene Women's Retreat.  I don't think I have ever been with women who listened more intently. And I will never forget the two groups I gathered for special prayer:  women who raise or support a child with special needs and women who have lost a child.  We became stronger together!

Out of Arkansas

I enjoyed sharing Saturday, August 17, with some wonderful ladies from Hot Springs Village in Arkansas.  More than 300 came from several churches for a one day retreat and invited me to share "The Patterns God Uses to Quilt Us."

From the beginning harmony of the worship team to the last "Amen,"  God quilted us together in love!  Here are some pictures:  

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