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Writer's pictureDebbie Salter Goodwin


Why do we sugar-coat sin? Are we so insecure that we have exchanged rationalization for confession?

David thought he could hide an ugly affair under a cloak of military courage and sacrifice. He thought if no one knew better, he could be the hero and rescue Bathsheba from the widowhood he caused.

That’s the background for Psalm 32. Unfortunately, Nathan, the prophet, had to publicly confront David. David lost his right to privacy when he manipulated military deployment for personal gain. He forgot that God always sees into our heart. We can’t come before God in a costume of pretended ignorance.

Forgiven, David sings a new song. He shares the beatitude of one who has no reason to hide anything because all has been forgiven. What David tried to cover up with lies and manipulation, God “covered” when David confessed. Every animal sacrifice illustrated this messy covering.

Think about how we try to hide sin, rank it, and rationalize it away. Think about God covering it, separating the worst it can do to you, taking the impact of its ugliness and destructiveness so that we can walk free from it. Think about the love that prompted this outrageous generosity. Think about the freedom He didn’t have to give us. You have no reason to hide anything from a God who is willing to do that.

Confession is the only way to receive this covering. But God isn’t interested in our cowering before Him, hand caught in some off-limit cookie jar. When we agree that by attitude or action, public or private, we have crossed God’s line; we, also, can receive God’s covering. And with His covering, we receive a new freedom and have no reason to hide anything.

It is an interesting turn that David makes. Instead of hiding his great wrong, he talks about his great freedom. He sings the song of a soul set free.

We are poor confessors. We are better hiders. On the way to the cross, we have time to turn that around.


Scripture to guide your way to the cross . . .


Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit. Psalm 32:1-2

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