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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Salter Goodwin

A Time to be Born

In the times and seasons God orchestrates, birth comes first. Most of us think about the birth of a baby come to take more of life than it can give back at first. Nothing rocks the world of parents, re-orders routine, steals sleep and patience like the birth of a baby. However, all it takes is just one look at the sleeping infant while contemplating the intricacies of cell transformation that grew this child and you identify the miracle come to live in your house.

Birth brings something or someone new. New reorders the space in your life you have filled with something else.

Solomon reminded us that birth is a time clock in God’s way of measuring time. Some birth times are predictable. Nine months for a baby. Eighty to ninety days for some flowers. Other births take years like adoptions, forgiveness, and healing.

God started this world with a birth so gigantic, so immeasurable, so complex that it shouldn’t surprise us that each new birth of a season or relationship is just as unique and world-changing.

There are 360,000 babies born every day. The death rate for the world is less than half of that number. What does that tell you about the priority God places on birth?

Births will happen. They will come to you. But not by your time. When time is full with all of the right components, God orders birth. He will not be early, but He will not be late. Timing is one of His best skills.

So . . .

  • If you are waiting for something new; prepare for it. Like a couple expecting a child, make space in your life for it. Begin to let go of what might crowd something new out. Be ready!

  • If you have given up on a relationship, ask God if He has. Then, follow His directions to see what He might want to birth from it. Make sure God’s perspective has the majority vote.

  • If past pain restricts, look for God’s healing any way He wants to send it. God won’t bring His new into a toxic life; it won’t survive.

  • If life feels old and used up; let God remind you what He does with a sunset. New combinations of color and light paint something new every time He shares this daily occurrence. He wants to paint something new in your life as well.

It’s the beginning of spring as I write this. It is a spring that comes after a very hard winter in more than weather ways. I need this spring as a reminder that God always brings the next season. The question is not when it will come; the question is whether I used the last season to prepare me for what is coming. Am I ready for seasonal change?

Don’t push all birth into the obstetric floors of a hospital. Some are happening today right under your nose. When you start seeing more births, you just might be ready for one in your own life.

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